Club Goals
- To promote the advancement of the conservation of fish, wild fowl and game, through the propagation of the species, the protection of their natural habitat and by cooperation with other conservation groups.
- To create better understanding of the relationship of the sportsmen to such conservation efforts.
- To foster a friendlier feeling between sportsmen and landowners.
- To promote the companionship of the members of the club through entertainment and the exchange of ideas.
Member Benefits
- All rights and privileges of a regular member as provided for in the constitution and by-laws of the Northwest Towns Sportsmen’s Club.
- An opportunity for open participation in all regular Club activities and to receive a monthly bulletin.
- The privilege to wear the official club apparel and display the official emblem of the Northwest Towns Sportsmen’s Club.
- An opportunity to share ideas, experiences and fellowship with individuals having similar interests.
- Insurance and affiliation with the National Rifle Association.
- An opportunity to support and have a voice in promotion of outdoor recreation and conservation, consistent with the goals of the club.

Monthly Meeting & Programs
At its regularly scheduled monthly meetings, programs take a variety of forms.
“My Favorite Gun” is a popular activity – you get to show us your favorite firearm or sporting item and tell why it’s important to you.
Guest speakers cover such timely topics such as dog training, boat safety, hunting, fishing, and shooting.
Meetings also feature special attractions from time to time: steak fry, holiday dinner, fish & wild game dinner.
Most important, meetings are a time to see friends and enjoy camaraderie and stories.
A popular segment of each meeting is the time when members share hunting and fishing success stories.
Members who participate in sporting events open those events to other members of the club. That is how our incredible list of activities began.
Other Events
The club members also organize goose, duck, whitetail deer, and other hunts based on the interest of the club members.
This is a brief synopsis describing activities of our club and what we have to offer. It is important to remember that the club will be able to give to any member only what that person puts into it. Be an active member and you will enjoy your membership. Not all club activities are for all members, but there are enough activities to benefit the total membership. The Northwest Towns Sportsmen’s Club is a social organization, formed and participated in by sportsmen with common interests in hunting, shooting, fishing, and boat related activities.

Club Activities

Barge Fishing Trip
Each year members spend a weekend on a fishing barge near the lock and dam at Genoa, Wisconsin located on the Mississippi River between Wisconsin and Minnesota. Walleye and Sauger are the most common fish caught on this trip.

Lake Erie Walleye Trip
Each year our members charters boats for a weekend of walleye fishing on Lake Erie. Included are charter boats and comfortable sleeping accommodations.

Trap Shooting
Club trap shoots are scheduled once a month. During the year we have a variety of prizes to be given away.

Sporting Clays Shoot
Several members host several sporting clays shoots each year. This is a challenge even for our best shooters.

Anniversary Dinner
Each year the club sponsors a dinner in celebration of its founding. Activities vary from year to year, but there are always games, raffles, and dining – an event looked forward to all year by the members.

Ice Fishing Derby
Each year an Ice Fishing Derby is scheduled in the Northwest Suburbs during January and/or February.

Pheasant Hunts
Several members belong to hunt clubs located in northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. This allows us to plan pheasant hunts at various locations.